What's good about the movie are the cool CG effects and Eva Mendes. Actually, this movie is really about the battle between two very hot people, namely, Nicholas Cage and Eva Mendes. So while Johnny Blaze (Cage) was trying to impress the audience with his flaming motorcycle, flaming skull and flaming chains, Eva Mendes (I don't even remember the name of her character) has that sexy dress she wore during a dinner date where she got stood up by Johnny. Obviously, Eva beats Cage hands down.

But seriously, I think Ghost Rider's powers are damn lousy. First of all, he can only "chu" power at night, or where it's dark. Secondly, according to some graveyard caretaker/mentor guy, the Rider's strongest power is his stare. I mean, like, WTF is that?
So this guy rides a flashy modded vehicle through the streets attracting attention and stares at people that he finds buay song.
Doesn't this sound oddly familiar?
He is like a super Chao Ah Beng with upgraded staring powers and some gimmicky flames to go along with the "flashy" theme. And he had to sell his soul to the Devil for that.
Even Chao Ah Bengs doesn't need to be in the dark to stare someone down. Usually, the brighter it is, the scarier they look. I'm pretty sure my neighbourhood Chao Ah Beng also thinks that Johnny Blaze is getting the short end of the stick here.