Friday, April 27, 2007


Wahaha my exams are over. I shall gloat while I can.

But I think I've mugged too much. You know that when you realise you :
  1. try to use risk management concepts for anything that could go wrong
  2. apply strategic objectives to your personal life
  3. could use personal selling concepts for picking up girls
  4. find investment textbooks exciting
  5. know your professor has made some mistakes in class
  6. see the value of anything in terms of customer equity, brand equity and relationship equity
  7. hear tiny voices in your head telling you to mug
  8. read textbooks for subjects that you are not taking
  9. could actually tell what the textbook is trying to get at
  10. suddenly feel empty for a moment when the exams are over and you don't have to mug anymore
By the way, Heroes is back!


yuqin said...

please contribute to my beetle fund, thank you very much. =D

half-asleep said...

no $$ no beetles. But i got Ka Chua u want?