Friday, February 24, 2006


I had been busy with assignments this past couple of days, and it will probably be this way until next week at the earliest. I should really hit myself for wasting a perfectly good amount of time doing nothing in particular during the earlier part of the week. I kind of knew this would happen but that's the problem with a lot of people- We don't learn our lessons.

Anyway, I'd just leave you guys with links :) Great way to blog, huh?
And help me complete my Johari window too!

This is a must for anyone interested in the Matrix Trilogy or philosophical discussions. It's very heavy reading but interesting nonetheless.

And for a little more humour- Google is testing their new Paypal killer with Gbuy. You probably won't even need to understand Hokkien to realise this is a pretty bad choice of name.

Er... no links to the NYP sex scandal though, haha. I think everyone knows about it already.

No more $4 an hour part-time job for poor students.

And finally, a link to Jackson's puzzle. It's probably no kick to the notpr0n players. There's no blog on his homepage yet so shall we convince him to do so?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "Gbuy" discovery made me laugh my head off ah.. Now sometimes when i wake up in the middle of the night to go pee, I think of this and laugh to myself in the toilet. Haha