Tuesday, February 14, 2006


The very cheem word in the subject actually means "lust".

Today's Valentine's Day so if I don't talk about lust today, then when? Now, I'm certainly not implying that all the couples out there celebrating right now are lusting for one another. Well, maybe they are. Anyway, lust must have been a starting point for like 99% of these couples. It's always like this:
  1. Boy meets girl
  2. Boy lusts for girl
  3. Boy asks girl out
  4. etc
Don't argue, I'm right. Maybe in some situations the roles are switched but lust always plays a part. Most people will say stuff along the lines of "But we started out as friends!" Yeah, but the guy probably had something else in mind when he befriended the girl. Detractors will also say stuff like "It was love at first sight!" "I knew he/she was the one!" That's lust right there. So what about the remaining 1%? I don't know, I'm just playing safe. If I offend you, you are in that 1%.
Then again, what's so bad about concupiscence?

Ok so my inaugural post turns out to be a "sour grapes" kind of argument but I'm sure many singles out there can understand what goes through the mind of a single guy on Valentine's:) Damn those couples. This day was made to suan all the unattached. After spending his whole life blessing couples and being celibate I guess Sir Valentine gained some sadistic streak on his death. Now he wants to torture all singles with insane jealousy on this day forever after.

1 comment:

Jevon said...

haha, which is why in jc they celebrate 'friendship day' so tt the single ones wldnt feel left out..